Home Green Jobs Blog Education Graduate Coursework Design Portfolio Interests Writings Resume (.pdf)

Design Portfolio

Web Design
- Complete Web Sites
- Site Intros

GIS Work

Graphics Work
- Abstract
- Banners
- Educational
- Logos
- Small Graphics

Design Portfolio :: Small Graphics

Here are more examples of royalty-free photos being blended together to produce something I found amusing during my free time. Some of these were on this website for a time.

thm_youneedrzn.jpg thm_oldwoman.jpg thm_baby2-nobg.jpg thm_webcounselor.jpg thm_whenpigsfly.jpg thm_rzn-on-top.jpg
thm_ridethewave.jpg thm_internetresearch.jpg thm_dolphin-two.jpg thm_handsearth.jpg thm_AUT_2868.jpg thm_2littlekidsearth.jpg
thm_letshearit-forum.jpg thm_monitorpeople.jpg thm_people-boywithearth.jpg thm_peopleladder.jpg    



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